Energy efficiency

Because electrical power is a scarce resource that must be optimised and used responsibly

Concepts such as saving, efficiency, planning or environmental impact are inherent to any discussion relating to the energy sector. In this way, Planells commits to a decrease in environmental impact.
We work with the best brands in the industry to ensure we can guarantee quality in all materials employed, bearing in mind the economic investment.



PLANELLS is specialized in air conditioning systems both in homes and in the business or manufacturing sectors…

ACS - Solar

ACS - Solar

We install thermal solar power systems (hot water, heating, warm swimming pools, etc.) for greater energy performance and financial savings



Domotics or Home Automation is the ensemble of systems allowing for the automation of a home by providing energy management services…

We specialize in climate, solar energy and domotic

PLANELLS S.A. is an enterprise registered in Palma de Mallorca, specialising since 1981 in electrification, networks and climate-control; offering professional advice and implementation that are guaranteed by its level of quality and experience in the industry.
We are committed to offering a quality service at the best price, with a resulting high degree of satisfaction in our client base.

95 Climate
100 ACS – Solar
95 Domotic
100 Energy efficiency

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